Tuesday, September 22, 2009

primer dia de las clases...

my host mom, alicia, took this photo of me, looking super uncomfortable and nervous because it's the first day of meeting everyone, and i'm still not quite accustomed to how italian everybody sounds when they speak spanish. also basically shocked about how freaking small this school is! like half the size of my little private catholic school but with more students. and i know that everybody warned me about the weather, but seriously? two winters in one year? i must be a silly girl. my boots are already super worn out.

made the choice to try to speak spanish to everybody today, even the people from the states, and it's interesting because we all have such varying levels of proficiency. the professors seem super nice, especially one woman i met named florencia who seems to be some sort of coordinating figure. i was also pretty surprised at the overwhelming number of uw students compared to the other students from rice, harvard, wellesley, u of maryland, and york. but it's awesome to be able to meet all these people i never would have otherwise.

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